
Breeding of vines resistant to fungus diseases (Plasmopara, Oidium, Botrytis) with high quality


2008-01-01 bis 2026-12-31

Project management

  • Oliver, Trapp

Responsible institute

Institut für Rebenzüchtung

Overall objective of the project

The development of new grapevine varieties with a complete or most extensive resistance to the viticulturally important fungus diseases (Plasmopara, oidium, botrytis) reduces considerably the plant protection measures and contributes thus to an ecologically beneficial viticulture. To improve breeding efficiency, the elaborated new methods and procedures are incorporated. Newly developed promising grapevine varieties are officially tested in cooperation with the Federal Variety Office (plant protection, variety list) and the practical viticulture for their suitability.


Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture