
Risk assessment of the effects of plant protection products on beneficial organisms, issuing of labelling proposals within the framework of registration


2016-01-01 bis 2027-12-31

Project management

  • Marlen, Heinz
  • Peggy, Marx
  • Andrea, Krähmer

Responsible institute

Institut für ökologische Chemie, Pflanzenanalytik und Vorratsschutz

Project preparer

  • Peggy, Marx

Cooperation partner

  • Institut für Pflanzenschutz in Gartenbau und Forst (JKI)
  • Institut für Pflanzenschutz in Ackerbau und Grünland (JKI)
  • Institut für Strategien und Folgenabschätzung (JKI)

Overall objective of the project

The JKI contributes in the national authorization procedure for plant protection products, among other things for the examination of the effects on beneficial arthropods (PflSchG §57, paragraph 9). On the basis of the studies submitted by the applicants and taking into account the intended conditions of use, the Institute ÖPV evaluates the risks of the products (herbicides, fungicides, bactericides, insecticides, molluscicides, growth regulators and other agents) for beneficial arthropods (beneficial insects and arachnids, except bees) on the target area in all intended crops. As a result, the management authority BVL is proposed to label the product as "non-harmful", "slightly harmful" or "harmful". This information is usually species-specific. If the species to be evaluated is not relevant to the indication, the proposal is made for the respective superordinate group, namely for "beneficial insects" or "beneficial predatory mites and arachnids". If Germany is the zonal rapporteur in the EU evaluation procedure, the institute also prepares the evaluation reports on the effects of plant protection products on beneficial arthropods on the target area for the central zone. The Institute works closely with the JKI's coordination office and lead institutes and is represented in the JKI's Steering Group on Authorization Procedures (LEZU)


Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture