Institut für Pflanzenschutz in Ackerbau und Grünland
Treatment index of insectidides in oilseed rape in 2011 to 2017 was 2,75. Nevertheless yield and cropping area in Germany is decreasing. Beside some physiological symptoms and low precipitation insect pests are an important factor. Insecticide resistance and limited choice of insecticides with different modes of action intensify the problem. Cultivation of different trap plants might be an option to control insect pests by distracting from oilseed rape plants. Trap plants might be for example Brassica rapa or early flowering oilseed rape cultivars. On trap crops grown in border stripes the insects pests might be tolerated or they might be killed by insecticides („Attract and Kill“). Beneficial insects might benefit from waive of insecticides.
Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture