

Non-chemical management of rodent pests in carrot crops- subproject cost-benefit-analysis


2022-11-01 bis 2026-03-31

Project management

  • Isabella, Karpinski

Responsible institute

Institut für Strategien und Folgenabschätzung

Cooperation partner

  • Institut für Epidemiologie und Pathogendiagnostik (JKI)
  • Hochschule Anhalt - Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
  • Landwirtschaftskammer Nordrhein-Westfalen

Overall objective of the project

In the "Mice Carrot" project, work is being done on the development and testing of non-chemical methods for the management of harmful rodents in organic carrot cultivation. New and existing methods, such as mice ditches and mounding compared to untreated control plots, are being investigated in terms of mice occurrence, damage to carrots and yield on test fields. However, for farmers, measures to minimize rodent pest populations are only reasonable and practical to implement if they are economically beneficial. Therefore, a cost-benefit analysis will also be carried out, in which the non-chemical measures will be examined for their economic viability. This will not only allow statements to be made on currently available field mouse management strategies for organic farming, but will also allow future scenarios to be mapped. This makes it possible for practitioners to make informed control decisions under current and future conditions by selecting the most sustainable and economically beneficial countermeasures.


Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture