

Optimization of chemical-ecologically mediated resistance against the pollen beetle and its introgression into oilseed rape - Subproject 2: Bioassays and chemical characterization


2024-04-01 bis 2027-03-31

Project management

  • Nadine, Austel

Responsible institute

Institut für ökologische Chemie, Pflanzenanalytik und Vorratsschutz

Project preparer

  • Torsten, Meiners
  • Christoph, Böttcher

Cooperation partner

  • Freie Universität Berlin, FB Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie, Institut für Biologie, Ökologie der Pflanzen
  • Institut für Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften und Ressourcenschutz - Universität Bonn
  • Gemeinschaft zur Förderung von Pflanzeninnovation e. V.
  • NPZ Innovation GmbH i.G.
  • Limagrain GmbH
  • KWS Saat SE
  • Deutsche Saatveredelung AG

Overall objective of the project

Insect resistance is essential for future cultivation of oilseed rape, as not only are few insecticide compounds available, but current insecticides are also rapidly losing efficacy. To support novel crop protection strategies such as resistant cultivars and new, plant-based insecticide compounds, accessions showing strong resistance to pollen beetle were identified in two related species (Eruca sativa, Sinapis alba) in previous research projects. The transfer of insect resistance from both species into oilseed rape via intergeneric crosses was initiated and biochemical compounds that might be relevant for resistance were studied in CHEMOEKOTRANS (2020 - 2023). The proposed project CHEMOEKOSEED will benefit from selected third-generation backcross progeny from both hybrid types generated in CHEMOEKOTRANS and aims to provide significant progress in a) the development of resistant Brassica napus germplasm, b) in providing tools to breed for pollen beetle resistance such as field trial methods and molecular markers linked to resistance, and c) in the characterization of resistance mechanisms based on metabolites and plant morphology. Backcross progeny will be selected for resistance in controlled bioassays as well as under natural field conditions. The hybrid material will be characterized using molecular cytogenetics and molecular markers to assess chromosome karyotypes and to detect chromosomal translocations that could facilitate resistance introgression. Molecular markers will be applied to identify chromosomes associated with resistance in the hybrids and to map resistance in the donor species. Hybrids showing contrasting resistance phenotypes will be used to study metabolite profiles to identify compounds that may play a significant role in resistance. As a result it should be possible to develop molecular as well as biochemical markers for resistance.


Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture