Institut für Strategien und Folgenabschätzung
Increasing climate variability and an increase in unfavourable weather patterns pose unprecedented challenges for the agricultural sector. In the event of damaging events on a national scale, the federal and state governments provide support in the form of aid payments to cushion the losses of agricultural businesses and safeguard livelihoods. The results of the Special Harvest and Quality Assessment (BEE) and the Harvest and Farm Reporting (EBE) serve as a basis for decision-making. New data sources and innovative methods from earth observation, data science and yield modelling could help to further develop these official statistical procedures, reduce current deficits and expand and improve the content, timeliness, punctuality and comparability of official statistics. The aim of SatErnte is on the one hand to develop and evaluate two innovative and complementary methodological approaches to provide intraseasonal yield forecasts of selected crops using Copernicus Sentinel satellite data and on the other hand to provide yield forecasts in a spatially aggregated form with improved spatial differentiation. This could lead to significant progress towards modernising the work processes of official harvest statistics and relieve the burden on reporting farmers. SatErnte is a joint project between the four state statistical offices of Bavaria, Lower Saxony, Berlin-Brandenburg and North Germany and the project partner Julius Kühn Institute (JKI).
Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur (BMVI)