
Development of modern detection methods for viruses and viroids on fruit crops and grapevine (e.g. little cherry, latent viruses of apple, vector-borne viruses of strawberry, leafroll disease of grapevine)


2008-01-01 bis 2026-12-31

Project management

  • Wilhelm, Jelkmann

Responsible institute

Institut für Pflanzenschutz in Obst- und Weinbau

Cooperation partner

  • Amtlicher Pflanzenschutzdienst

Overall objective of the project

There is a high demand on fast and reliable diagnostic tools for identification of viruses and viroids on fruit crops and grapevine. Either laboratory methods are lacking requiring time consuming biotests on indicators or existing tests are not sufficiently validated (lack of data on isolates). At the same time new methods are being developed, resulting in improved diagnostics (reduction in required staff and consumables, increased sensitivity, multiple tests, etc.) and which have to be investigated for phytosanitary purposes and within international competitiveness.


Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture