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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Institute for Biological Control

Dr. Sarah Biganski

Wissenschaftlerin / Institute for Biological Control

Julius Kühn-Institut
Institute for Biological Control
Schwabenheimer Straße 101
69221  Dossenheim


Scientific co-worker within the research project ‟OekoapfelForward“ with following major objectives:

  1. Risk reduction for the development of Cydia pomonella granulovirus (CpGV)-resistant codling moth populations by current pest management strategies with granulovirus isolates in organic apple production
  2. Reduction of pesticide use and promotion of biodiversity in organic apple orchards
  3. Increase of crop yield in organic apple production in Germany

Sub-projects in ‟OekoapfelForward“ at the Julius Kühn-Institut:

  • Evaluation of resistance-breaking baculovirus isolates of diverse geographic origin for potential alternatives in biological control strategies of the codling moth Cydia pomonella in organic apple production
  • Investigation on effects of sulfur treatments and fungicides on granulovirus surface application in organic apple growing
  • Examination of abiotic factors (UV, temperature, precipitation) on virus inactivation in the light climate change impact on CpGV application