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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Inhalt: Climate adaptation strategies

Climate adaptation strategies aim to reduce both climate-relevant emissions and harmful effects of climate change on production systems, or to exploit positive effects, e.g. by increasing CO2 levels and lengthening the growing season.

The knowledge gained is used to forecast and model scenarios in order to be able to use suitable climate adaptation strategies in the cultivation of our crops. The JKI's research is therefore aimed at developing new crop production strategies that include suitable crops, varieties and locations and climate-adapted cultivation methods.

The challenge of climate change

Climate change has a significant impact on crop production conditions. Extreme weather events, such as drought, heat, high solar radiation, heavy rain and hail, are among the abiotic stress factors that cause the greatest yield losses and quality reductions in crops.

As a result of changing climatic conditions, a change in the occurrence of pests, so-called biotic stressors, is also to be expected. Crop production must therefore be adapted in order to ensure security of supply in the future and at the same time conserve resources such as soil and water.

Breeding research is an important cornerstone

The JKI's specialist institutes in the fields of breeding research, plant protection and crop production are working on integrated strategies to strengthen the resilience of our crops to abiotic stress. Regional differences in both the degree of affectedness and the adaptation options are of central importance in this context.