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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Dr. Kathleen Lemanski

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin / Institute for Biological Control

Julius Kühn-Institut
Institute for Biological Control
Schwabenheimer Straße 101
69221  Dossenheim


Research associate in the research group "Beneficial Arthropods and Functional Biodiversity" in the project "Solar Beneficial Insects-Potential for promoting beneficial insects in agri-photovoltaic systems". In order to achieve climate protection targets set by the German Government, an enormous expansion of renewable energy will be necessary, including photovoltaic systems.

In order to avoid a land-use conflict between agriculture and energy production, agri-photovoltaic systems could be increasingly used. In agri-photovoltaic systems, photovoltaic modules are either installed elevated or vertically, so that the area can mainly still be agriculturally used. The aim of this research project is to determine how agri-photovoltaic systems can be designed to support settlement and promotion of beneficial insects and hence the reduction of certain pests.

Main tasks and objectives:

  • Recording and evaluation of current activities regarding agri-photovoltaic systems, especially with respect to functional biodiversity
  • Investigation of the biodiversity of existing agri-photovoltaic systems (hoverflies, Spheciformes wasps and spiders)
  • Development of elements promoting biodiversity that can be integrated in agri-photovoltaic systems (e.g. flowering strips or nesting aids installed in the mounting fixtures)
  • Investigation of direct effects of photovoltaic modules on selected beneficial insects and pests

The project aims to provide knowledge about how agri-photovoltaic systems can be designed in an environmentally friendly way generating additional benefit to agriculture through pest control and pollination.


Scientific publication and communication networks