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Forest researcher Henrik Hartmann honoured for his scientific achievements at IUFRO World Congress

JKI researcher received Scientific Achievement Award at IUFRO World Congress in Stockholm on 24 June


(Stockholm) The International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) held its 26th World Congress at Stockholm from 23 to 29 June 2024. On this occasion, Prof. Dr. Henrik Hartmann, Head of the JKI Institute for Forest Protection, was honoured with the Scientific Achievement Award 2024 for his contributions in the field of forest research. The award was presented to him by IUFRO President John Parrotta.

Hartmann began his career as a professional forester, but decided to go into research to better understand what he was observing. His research seeks to answer several related questions: What factors control how plants allocate the products of photosynthesis to the various demands from growth, respiration, storage or defense? How does this change when plants are stressed? How can these changes weaken trees to make them more vulnerable to declines in fitness leading to mortality?

With his group, he has made particularly innovative contributions to understand the role of storage reserves during stress and in tree mortality, and the priorities placed on allocation to storage and defense over growth during periods of carbon resource limitation.

The scientist is also actively involved in IUFRO. He has successfully brought together a community of researchers to create the IUFRO Task Force on Tree Mortality and the International Tree Mortality Network Initiative.

On IUFRO TV of the WebsEdge Science Channel on Youtube,  Henrik Hartmann explains, among other things, why he considers international initiatives and alliances to be absolutely indispensable: International Initiatives for Forest Adaptation Strategies

To the conference website: https://iufro2024.com/
To the IUFRO Website: https://www.iufro.org/

The IUFRO World Congress takes place all five years. In 2024, is had more than 4,000 participants.

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