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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


Institute for Bee Protection

The Institute

The Institute for Bee Protection's central missions include the investigation of bee poisoning and research on bee protection. Honey bees and wild bees are essential for agriculture and nature due to their pollination services on cultivated and wild plants. Their protection is of particular societal importance.

What factors have a positive effect on the health and resilience of honey and wild bees? What structural measures can humans use to improve their living and nutritional situation in conventional and organic agriculture as well as in urban areas? We are investigating such questions, among others.

The institute develops and optimizes biological, chemical-analytical, technical and molecular biological methods. These allow the effects of pesticides and biocides on honey bees and wild bees to be better assessed and evaluated. The knowledge gained from the research is used to identify possible causes of bee losses in advance and to evaluate them accordingly.

The applied testing and evaluation methods of risk assessment must be adapted to the state of the art in science and technology, improved and further developed. New methods are being introduced. The existing regulations for plant protection and bee protection have been aligned (harmonized) in the European Union for years. Here, the institute is actively involved in the committee work.

In addition to networking with other JKI institutes, the Institute works closely with national and international research institutions and authorities and is involved in relevant expert bodies such as the Working Group of the Institutes for German Bee Research, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), committees for further development of test methods (ICPPR) and for the design of guidelines (e.g. EPPO, OECD).



Julius Kühn-Institute (JKI) - Federal Research Center for Cultivated Plants
Institute for Bee Protection
Messeweg 11/12
38104 Braunschweig

Head of Institute: Dr. Jens Pistorius

Kerstin Geißler
Tel.: 03946 47-7202

Fax: 03946 47-7208
Mail: bs@  julius-kuehn.  de