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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


M.Sc. Marie-Friederike Ohmes

Institute for Plant Protection in Horticulture and Urban Green

Julius Kühn-Institut
Institute for Plant Protection in Horticulture and Urban Green
Messeweg 11/12
38104  Braunschweig


  • Investigations on the pre-pollution of peat-reduced substrates and peat substitutes
  • Research of promoting and inhibiting factors of substrates on the development of soil-associated pests
  • Research into the triangular relationship between substrates, harmful arthropods and cultivated plants
  • Research into the effect of peat-reduced substrates and peat substitutes on biological pest control methods

Aktuelle Projekte

  • "Development and evaluation of peat-reduced production systems in horticulture (ToPGa)", processing of the sub-project: beneficial and harmful organisms.

Scientific publication and communication networks