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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen


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Inhalt: Research strategy

The Julius Kühn-Institut is both a federal research institute and a higher federal authority (Bundesoberbehörde) directly affiliated to the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).

Our mission

We develop resource-conserving, economically viable and socially acceptable crop production systems against the backdrop of climate change.

Our motto is: Securing tomorrow’s resources

The agriculture of the future faces major challenges. The Julius Kühn Institute is facing up to these challenges and, with its research and development work, is making significant contributions to improving the resilience and performance of crop production methods and minimising the negative impacts of agricultural production on biodiversity and the environment, as well as avoiding adverse effects on human and animal health.

In this context, the JKI is addressing the following questions for the future:

  1. What do resource-conserving, high-performance and economically viable crop production systems of the future look like? How can these be adapted to climate change and negative external effects avoided in the future?
  2. How can the broadest possible crop diversity with well-supplied, healthy plants be ensured in these crop production systems?
  3. How can such crop production systems be dynamically adapted to societal conditions (changes in demand such as dietary patterns) and a future bio-based economy?

The following research priorities are derived from these questions: